Talvar Day Wise Box Office Collection
Released Date | 2 October 2015 |
Released in Screens | 600+ |
1st Week Collections | |
Thursday [Preview] | 00.50 Crore |
Friday | 02.50 Crore |
Saturday | 02.70 Crore |
Sunday | 03.30 Crore |
Weekend | 09.00 Crore |
Monday | 01.60 Crore |
Tuesday | 01.65 Crore |
Wednesday | 01.65 Crore |
Thursday | 01.65 Crore |
1st Week Total | 15.55 Crore |
2nd Week Collections | |
Friday | 01.50 Crore |
Saturday | 02.70 Crore |
Sunday | 02.80 Crore |
Weekend | 07.00 Crore |
Monday | 01.05 Crore |
Tuesday | 00.85 Crore |
Wednesday | 00.75 Crore |
Thursday | 00.75 Crore |
2nd Week Total | 10.40 Crore |
3rd Week Collections | |
Friday | 00.50 Crore |
Saturday | 00.85 Crore |
Sunday | 00.90 Crore |
Weekend | 02.25 Crore |
Monday | 00.30 Crore |
Tuesday | 00.30 Crore |
Wednesday | 00.35 Crore |
Thursday | 00.18 Crore |
3rd Week Total | 03.38 Crore |
4th Week Collections | |
Friday | 00.13 Crore |
Saturday | 00.18 Crore |
Sunday | 00.21 Crore |
Weekend | 00.52 Crore |
Monday | 00.10 Crore |
Tuesday | 00.08 Crore |
Wednesday | 00.08 Crore |
Thursday | 00.06 Crore |
4th Week Total | 00.87 Crore |
5th Week Collections | |
Friday | -- |
Saturday | -- |
Sunday | -- |
Weekend | -- |
Monday | -- |
Tuesday | -- |
Wednesday | -- |
Thursday | -- |
5th Week Total | 00.40 Crore |
6th Week Collections | |
Friday | -- |
Saturday | -- |
Sunday | -- |
Weekend | 00.15 Crore |
Monday | -- |
Tuesday | -- |
Wednesday | -- |
Thursday | -- |
6th Week Total | 00.30 Crore |
Total Collection | 30.90 Crore |
Budget: 22 Crores approx inclusive of all costs
Costs are indicative estimates for this movie
Screens: 625 all India
Talvar surprised on Friday at India box office by doing better than what was expected of it.
Talvar like last year's Haider managed to take full advantage of the Oct 2 Holiday to do much better than what a critically appreciated movie is expected to do.
Talvar has got exceptional reviews and that has helped along with the fact that it is based on the known Arushi Murder case.
Talvar is produced by Vineet Jain MD of Times Of India Group and has cross promotional ability of that group.
Talvar Day Wise Box Office Collection |
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